When a Cracked Tooth Is a Dental Emergency

Emergency Dentist Colleyville, TX

A cracked tooth may be a dental emergency if certain more severe symptoms develop. Although not every cracked tooth requires immediate attention, it is important to understand the more serious symptoms that indicate a cracked tooth is a dental emergency and requires prompt care.

Cracked tooth: when is it a dental emergency?

If your cracked tooth causes a high level of discomfort or increases the risk of other oral health concerns (e.g., an oral infection), then it is considered a dental emergency. The good news is that there are effective treatment solutions that can be performed on your first visit to alleviate symptoms and help preserve the long-term health of your tooth.

What signs indicate that a cracked tooth is a dental emergency?

A cracked tooth that is not severe should be treated regardless of the severity. However, a small crack is not a cause for immediate and urgent concern. However, if the crack is large or it leads to some more severe symptoms, then it is important to visit the dentist as soon as possible. The signs that indicate a cracked tooth is a dental emergency are:

  • Severe tooth pain
  • Severe tooth sensitivity
  • Pain or sensitivity that does not go away
  • A tooth that is loose in the socket
  • A tooth that causes a severe cosmetic concern

Of course, if the discomfort is intolerable, then it is important to visit the dentist as soon as possible. In other instances, mild discomfort that does not go away can severely limit your ability to function, in which case the issue is a dental emergency. If the tooth causes a severe cosmetic issue that you would like to promptly address, then it is encouraged to seek dental emergency care as well.

How is a cracked tooth treated in a dental emergency?

A cracked tooth can be treated in a variety of ways depending on the nature of the crack, the location of the crack, and where the tooth is located. The most common options that are recommended for a cracked tooth during a dental emergency are a dental crown, inlay, onlay, dental veneer, and dental bonding.

How soon after a cracked tooth should I seek treatment?

If the cracked tooth is causing significant pain, tooth sensitivity, and swelling of the gums, then it is important to seek treatment right away by calling a dentist that offers emergency dental services. They may either ask for you to come to visit right away or provide tips on how to alleviate the initial discomfort and visit the dentist's office at a more convenient time within the next few days.

Common cracked tooth FAQs answered

The following are several common questions and answers about handling a dental emergency, the causes of a cracked tooth, and how to reduce the overall risk of a cracked tooth (as well as a dental emergency in general).

What do I do if my tooth is knocked loose or out of my mouth?

If your tooth is knocked loose or is knocked out of the mouth entirely, then it is important to call a dentist that offers emergency treatment as soon as possible. In many cases, the dentist can reposition the tooth in the socket and prevent the need for tooth replacement.

What are the leading causes of a cracked tooth?

Cracked teeth most often result from dental trauma. There are different causes of dental trauma. Perhaps most notably, it occurs as a result of a blow to the mouth. This could happen during a sporting event (especially contact sports), a car accident, or a nasty fall.

Bruxism (teeth grinding while asleep) is also a leading cause of cracked teeth. A cracked tooth can also result from poor oral hygiene practices. In other cases, poor oral hygiene practices may make teeth less resistant to damage and more vulnerable to a crack.

How can I reduce the risk of a cracked tooth?

The ultimate goal after treatment is to prevent another cracked tooth from occurring in the future. This should involve wearing a mouthguard whenever the risk of dental trauma is highest, such as while playing a sport, working a dangerous job, or while sleeping (for patients with bruxism).

Call our dental office today if you have suffered a severely cracked tooth

You can call our dental office or send us a message to schedule a visit at a time that is convenient for you. We offer dental emergency treatment for a range of immediate oral health concerns, including cracked teeth. So why wait? Contact us today to get the treatment you need.

Request an appointment here: https://dentalstudiocolleyville.com or call Dental Studio Colleyville at (817) 885-5188 for an appointment in our Colleyville office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Emergency Dentist in Colleyville, TX.

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