Are Dental Procedures Safe During Pregnancy?

Dental Procedures Colleyville, TX

Dental procedures may be necessary for everyone depending on what their situation is. Occasionally a woman may need to be seen for something if it is serious, in which case they might be curious whether or not they can visit their dentist while they are carrying their baby.

Mothers want to do what is absolutely best for their baby so knowing whether or not visiting the dentist is safe can be extremely beneficial for those expecting mothers. Today, we will go over when it is best for an expecting mother to see their dentist for any type of procedure.

Are dental procedures safe during pregnancy?

A lot of dental procedures are actually safe for women who are pregnant. However, there are some that many dentists advise to wait on. Below, we have listed the ones that are safe to have during pregnancy.

General checkups and cleanings

Regular checkups and cleanings are not only safe but actually advised by doctors and dentists. This allows for a dentist to ensure that there aren't any issues within the mother's mouth that could lead to harmful diseases or infections later. Having a regular checkup or cleaning with the dentist won't harm the baby or the mother in any such way. It's best to do these regularly.

Dental fillings and crowns

Dental fillings and crowns may be needed at any time, they are hard to predict. However, they are safest to have treated within the second trimester because the third is when the baby and the mother become the most vulnerable. A dentist typically recommends that a mother is treated for either fillings or crowns so that infections don't form that could harm the mother or baby.

Safer to wait

Although a lot of procedures are safe for women during pregnancy, there are some that are best to wait on. The following are procedures that can be done if absolutely necessary, but are suggested to wait, just to be safe.


Any dental procedures that require cosmetic surgery or a cosmetic procedure then it's usually advised that the mother wait. Cosmetic procedures are not absolutely necessary and it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the health of a mother and her baby. These things could include dental veneers or teeth whitening procedures.

Dental procedures for women that are pregnant can be risky but if they are done at the right time, they can often be beneficial for a woman and her baby. There are some procedures that are typically advised to wait on because they may not be detrimental. Knowing what procedures are safe to have and when can be extremely helpful to any mother who may be wondering whether or not they can visit their dentist.

If you have questions about what dental procedures can be done during pregnancy then reach out to us today. Our trained office staff can help in any way that we can!

Request an appointment here: or call Dental Studio Colleyville at (817) 885-5188 for an appointment in our Colleyville office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Procedures.

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